Otolaryngologists are doctors who specialize in otolaryngology, or the diagnosis, treatment, and management of a number of diseases and disorders of the head and neck. Because conditions of the ear, nose, and throat are so common among these disorders, we often call...
Did you know that your voice is entirely unique to you, just like a fingerprint? Not only are the shape and size of each individual’s vocal cords different, but the vocal tract and the size and shape of the rest of your body, the position of your tongue, your bone...
Blocked sinuses can be a problem, especially when they seem to be blocked all of the time. When other treatments have been ineffective, many ENT doctors will discuss the possibility of balloon sinuplasty. This procedure is relatively straightforward for those with...
Septoplasty, also known as nasal septum repair, is an outpatient procedure designed to correct a crooked or deviated septum. While there may be no visible signs of deformity, you or a loved one may have noticed constant unilateral or bilateral nasal obstruction....
Snoring can affect your quality of life, and that of your partner. The loss of sleep quality can impact every aspect of your life – your short and long-term health, your productivity, and your relationships. There are a number of causes of snoring, and one of them is...